Well it was nice while it lasted. Get Bent unfortunately is no more but they leave behind a handful of songs for us to enjoy and remember em by. This is their demo released on 7" format by the good folks at Long Island's Dead Broke Rekerds. Four songs of quirky and gritty pop punk. Dynamic guitars bounce around mid tempo shout along songs wrapped around raspy vocals belting out melodies that call for high fiving your nearest buddy. Get Bent, ye is gone far too soon. Don't worry, the dudes are all up to other projects which are just as great, nobody likes staying musically bored around these parts. Seriously how many people in the NYC/LI scene are in more than one band? I'm in three myself. If you supply an actual number I'll buy you a copy of this. Speaking of which, only 30 remain of the 500 pressed, so get on it before you're shit out of luck.
Purchase this 7" from Dead Broke Rekerds! ONLY 30 LEFT!
Purchase the TAPE from Dead Broke Rekerds! *includes bonus track "Barback Mountain"!
Download MP3 from If You Make It! *include bonus track "Ridgewood, Son"!
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